La ménopause et la perte de cheveux : une solution naturelle peut-elle vraiment aider ? Crüe Cosmetics

Menopause and hair loss: can a natural solution really help?

Posted by Rhodes Virtual Assistant on

Menopause is a significant phase in a woman's life. While it is a natural process that all women go through, it can come with a variety of symptoms.

One of the most common symptoms is hair loss, thinning and breakage.

These changes can be attributed to hormonal changes and decreasing estrogen levels.

Many women may feel frustrated with the changes in their hair and turn to chemical-laden hair products in an attempt to reverse the damage.

However, there are natural alternatives that can provide the same results without the harmful side effects.

In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of switching to chemical-free hair products during menopause.

Risks of chemical hair products during menopause

Chemical hair products are known to contain harmful ingredients that can have adverse effects on hair and body.

The chemicals found in many hair products can disrupt the body's hormonal balance, leading to increased hair loss and thinning.

Additionally, chemicals such as sulfates and parabens can rob hair of its natural oils, making it dry and prone to breakage.

Postmenopausal women can already face these issues due to hormonal changes, and chemical hair products can exacerbate the problem.

Benefits of Adopting Chemical-Free Hair Products

In addition to promoting healthy hair growth, chemical-free hair products can also benefit general health during menopause.

Postmenopausal women can experience hot flashes, mood swings, and other symptoms. Chemical hair products may contain ingredients that exacerbate these symptoms and make them worse.

By opting for natural hair products, women can reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals and potentially relieve these symptoms.

Specific natural ingredients for hair during menopause 

Unlike chemical hair products, natural hair products contain ingredients that work on the body to promote healthy hair growth.

For example, biotin is a natural ingredient used to promote hair growth and prevent breakage. Black tea is also said to naturally block DHT thanks to its caffeine content.

DHT is a hormone that causes different types of hair thinning associated with menopause.

The natural solution to hair loss and thinning associated with menopause

Crüe Cosmetics products are formulated using the science of trichology to help combat hair loss and thinning associated with menopause.

The treatments contain organic natural ingredients such as black tea and biotin. These ingredients work together to nourish hair and stimulate growth, preventing hair loss and thinning hair.

Our hair products are 100% natural and formulated with ingredients that nourish and strengthen hair, making them the perfect solution for women struggling with hormonal alopecia during menopause.


In conclusion, menopause can be a difficult time for women, but it doesn't have to be when it comes to hair loss and thinning.

By adopting natural hair products, women can promote healthy hair growth, prevent breakage, moisturize and add shine to their hair.

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