Comment contrôler les frisotis ? - Crüe Cosmetics

How to control frizz?

Posted by Crüe Cosmetics on

Frizzy hair will ruin a hairstyle faster than any other hair challenge. Whether your hair is straight, frizzy, wavy or curly, you will be affected by frizz. Here are some tips for controlling frizz.

Our hair is often compared to a sponge, it absorbs moisture from our environment. When moisture enters the strands of our hair, our hair expands and becomes puffy, bushy and ultimately frizzy.

Where does this frizz come from?

Our hair is constantly chasing outside moisture. Porous, dry hair tends to frizz the most. Dry, damaged hair seeks moisture everywhere. I'm sure we've all noticed how puffy our hair gets when the air outside is humid. This is due to the fact that our hair absorbs moisture more than necessary.

Main causes of frizz:
  • Heat abuse from styling tools;
  • Damaged hair that causes the cuticles to be raised;
  • Hair treatments with chemical ingredients;
  • Hard water;
  • Choice of hair products poorly adapted to your reality;
  • Natural form of hair fibers.
Fight frizz

The secret to frizz-free hair is to have smooth cuticles. Remember that when our hair cuticles lift to let in moisture, that moisture will quickly disappear if the cuticles remain lifted.

When your hair is wet, apply a moisturizing oil similar to our Neptüne Moisturizing Oil to create a protective barrier between your hair and the outside elements.

When applying the products to your hair, always work with your hands up and down to smooth it further.

Trim the dead ends of the hair, as the damaged ends will continue to fray and cause additional frizz.

Never rub your hair with towels. Use microfiber towels to absorb water gently and minimize frizz.

Avoid harsh shampoos. If your shampoo strips all the moisture from your hair, you can be sure that the frizz will surface once your hair is dry.

Keep your hands out of your styled hair, especially when it's still wet. Playing in frizzy hair will only make it frizzier!

Curly hair

Some hair types are more prone to frizz. Don't go against nature if you fall into this category.

Brushing curly hair will immediately cause frizz. Detangling hair with combs and fingers is imperative for curly girls.

Detangle them when damp or wet to best respect your natural curls.

Boost the definition of your curls with gel or mousse. Make sure your hair products don't contain alcohol, which will dry out your hair.

I hope these tips will be useful to you! It all starts with making sure our hair is healthy and hydrated while using the products that are right for our specific hair type. Comment below if you have frizzy hair.

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